Sunday, July 12, 2020

Collection of Random Thoughts on Religion

Random thoughts I've had regarding religion over the past few years...
Will come back and update as I find more.


July 12, 2018

The abrahamic religions and their “sacred texts” are the biggest black magick spell ever perpetrated on humanity.... as is any ideology which says it cannot be questioned!

You don’t need a book to know that it’s wrong to harm others. It is recorded in those books that people knew/walked with “God” and knew how to live righteously in times before the words were committed to paper!

There are many people who follow these religions and their texts who are still in fact shitty people and actually justify their actions with the texts! They completely ignore or make excuses for the disgusting passages contained within. 

The “sacred texts” are idols of paper.... contradictory, bi-polar ones at that.... no wonder the world is so fucked.