Saturday, July 4, 2020

Spiritual Awakening and the Fool

What is “spiritual awakening?”
[my assessment]

Seeing through some bullshit, then realizing it’s pretty much all bullshit!

Having your mind turned inside out and realizing you’re cohabitating a realm with schizophrenic psychopaths... but don’t worry, you’re a little schizo yourself!

You go through phases of wanting to “wake people up” or expose things until you realize that most everyone doesn’t give a shit. At first this irritates the shit out of you, then you can’t blame them. 
At each toll point you think you’ve got the truth, until you dig a little deeper and poke holes in that too. You finally realize you’re dealing with primarily lies. Lies on top of lies. You’re basically choosing one person’s words and ideas over another which are, for the most part, impossible to prove. 
It becomes impossible to tell who are the “good guys.” You may just be a “useful idiot” yourself, helping along the system you think you’re tearing down. You don’t know if you’re better off than when you were asleep.

Welcome to the fool’s journey.
You start out in ignorant bliss, then you end up knowing that nobody (including yourself) knows anything.

Absurdism and pragmatism are my current coordinates.